Bingo Sayings
With the advent of bingo coming into the online gaming genre, a whole new language and rules of behaviour have grown up around it. Bingo in any setting is an incredibly social game and this has translated well into the online gaming sphere. Although it is not absolutely necessary to learn every bingo sayings and rule of behaviour before you can play online bingo, it is a good idea to go through them briefly to see what is expected of you, also so that you know what to expect.
Chat Phrases
Until I actually read a few chat phrases and what they meant, I was a bit lost. Although I have to admit the other players were friendly and when I asked them what ROFL meant, they did tell me.
These are the general basis for your behaviour, and as you can see there is nothing to them that plain common sense and good manners didn’t teach you.
- be patient if you question is not answered immediately chat hosts
are busy people and will get round to you
- have respect for the chat host and other members in the chat room
- behave like adults
- don’t use insulting remarks of any nature, racist or otherwise, and no
name calling
- don’t use CAPS, these are reserved so we can identify the chat hosts
- be generous with congratulation for winners and wish people good luck
- harassment is a no-no
- the chat hosts word is final
Bingo Lingo
The chat phrases or bingo lingo is another story, but don’t let them intimidate you or stop you from enjoying your game of online bingo, you will soon get used to them and see how they work.
Some examples are obvious:
* 1TG – One To Go
* 2TG – Two To Go
* 3TG – Three To Go
* ADIOS – Adios
* AWESOME – Awesome
* DAMN – Damn (and you are allowed to use it)
While others are not so obvious:
* ROFL – Roll on the floor laughing
* BOL – Best of Luck
* BRB – Be Right Back
* CBS – Come back soon
* CU – See You
* DBL – Don’t Be Long
* DCL – Don’t cry love
* G2BB – Great to be back
* GLA – Good Luck Everyone
* WD – Well Done
* WB – Welcome back
And so it goes!